The world’s first academy for scribing-guided methods and strategy.
Scup Academy is a hands-on experience. Just like any craft, making mistakes is part of the learning process and taking a chance is your biggest opportunity! Our learn-by-doing approach empowers you to learn at your own pace and find your unique style, cultivating a flexible and resilient attitude.
Reserch:Learn the basics of scribing and start visualising your ideas. This module will equip you with the tools to bring your project to life.
In-depth analysis: Enhance your listening skills and discover the power of scribing as a tool for self- discovery. We'll help you overcome creative blocks and embrace a non-judgmental approach to finding your authentic self. Learn time management techniques and unlock your passion as you gain confidence in your abilities.
Raise your game: Master the art of scribing and become a successful entrepreneur. Learn how to set goals, build your brand, attract clients, and price your services.